LAUGHING MATTERS is the comedy intensive class that Joey Paul Jensen designed with writer/producer/comedian Billy Riback. People say performing comedy and stand up comedy is the hardest achievement in performance for an actor. It’s extremely difficult to be on stage and feel totally comfortable with people laughing.

The class teaches kids and teens the foundation of comedy and performing stand up comedy. All the actors learn the beginnings of comedy structure and how to draw upon their own life experience to help fashion their material. Joey and Billy work together with other professionals to develop material, critique, and build layers into the work to realize the greatest funny factor for each of the performers. The class finishes with a stand up comedy performance so the actors can get the real life experience.
LAUGHING MATTERS is a program currently running twice a year. The final performance for the public also benefits the Golden West Chapter of ALS. The Golden West Chapter works with ALS patients and also raises money for research to find a cure.